Guest Posting in Nepal

Domain Rating and Domain authority play a vital role in keyword ranking. High DA is more eligible to be on top of the result. So, today in this post, we are going to talk about Guest posting in Nepal. Along with Guest Posting, we will also speak about Guest Posting Sites in Nepal.

Nowadays, Many Nepali websites and blogs accept Guest posts. When we start building a backlink for our blog, our priority goes to guest posting because it is only the natural method to get high authority backlinks.

Guest Posting in Nepal

Guest posting, also called “guest blogging,” is the act of writing content for another person’s or company’s website. Generally, guest bloggers write for similar blogs within their Niche. Niche: Attract traffic back to their website through some inter-linking.

Backlinks are essential for a blog to increase its domain authority. There are many ways to create backlinks, but guest post backlinks play a vital role in SEO because these are quality backlinks that flow high source.

Nepal’s blogging community is still weak. Few bloggers in Nepal have succeeded in this sector. So, the area for guest blogging is also low. But also there are various blog and website which accepts Guest blogging in Nepal.

Methods of writing Guest Posting in Nepal

Before writing a guest post for another’s blog, you should follow some steps.

  1. Do Guest posts on websites related to your Niche.
  2. Check DA and PA of another’s Blog
  3. Write High-quality Content
  4. Avoid Plagiarized Content
  5. Write SEO Friendly posts.

#1 Do Guest post on websites related to your Niche

Writing a guest article is simple, but getting it published on another blog is more complicated. When you post a blog article that isn’t relevant to your topic, you won’t receive much value out of it.

So remember that you should only guest post on sites that are relevant to your industry. It improves in the boosting of your keyword’s position.

#2 Check DA and PA of another’s Blog

Your guest posting boosts your blog’s ranking and traffic. As a result, before selecting a blog, you should look at its DA and PA. There is more excellent value in order by guest posting on blogs with higher DA and PA than your own.

To check the DA, PA, Domain Rating, and Backlinks of blogs, utilize the MOZ Free Tool and Ahref’s Free Tool.

#3 Write High-quality Content

Content is King in Blogging!!

Write the ideal contents for your Guest Post so that the blog where you publish it will appreciate it. So that who will attract the readers of that blog to visit your blog.

By the way, Google has no bearing on guest blogging, so don’t write a guest post only to obtain backlinks. You could drive good traffic to your blog by providing quality Guest Blogging.

This might be important for you:

#4 Avoid Plagiarized Content

Duplicate content is nasty in the blogging world, so avoid copy-pasting content in your guest post.

Since no blogger will publish your plagiarized guest article, even if it is issued, the blog owner will remove your article after a while.

Do not seek to guest post using Copy-Paste to increase your number of positions; this will harm your relationships with other blogs.

#5 Write SEO Friendly post

Guest posts must be SEO-friendly. Inside the post, please ensure that you are using the keyword correctly.

By writing SEO-friendly posts, You will gain organic traffic to that post and increase the popularity of your blog.

Advantages of Guest Posting in Nepal

There are four main advantage of Guest Posting in Nepal

1. Free Do-Follow backlinks:

From each of your guest post, you get Do Follow Backlink for whole life for your website or blog which will increase the SERP of your website or blog.

Backlinks are very important to rank your blog in Search Engine, with the help of these you will be able to rank blog posts on the first page and in Google.

2. Life Time Free Traffic:

Every guest article you publish generates traffic for the rest of your life on your blog, potentially earning you millions of rupees.

3. Build Relationship with Other Bloggers:

By guest posting in Nepal, You can make good relations with other bloggers which helps you for free links exchange and free support.

4. Gain Popularity:

By guest posting on quality blogs, all of the readers of those blogs will become familiar with you, and you will become recognized among them.

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Guest Posting Sites in Nepal

There are lots of websites that accept guest posting in Nepal. So, I have listed 17 guest posting sites in Nepal where you can write a guest post.


















The above list is the top 17 guest posting sites in Nepal which accept Guest posting in Nepal. We have kept the list according to their DA and PA. Now let’s discuss them in brief.

#1 is a Nepali mix niche blog. which is owned by Jitendra Sahayogee, a writer of 12 Nepali literature books. He has expert knowledge and experience of Nepalese society, culture, travel, business, etc. We can see cultural posts in

If you have some knowledge in literature, culture, tradition, and festival then you can write a guest post in imnepal.


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“Hey, I’m Rupesh Dahal, I am Web Developer By profession and Blogger, Affiliate Marketer by Passion, and also a Founder of experienced for more than 5+ years in SEO, Blogging, Affiliate marketing and how to make Passive income"

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